"data": {
"jass-build.near": {
"widget": {
"trialDropDeploy": {
"": "const wasm = VM.require(\"jass-build.near/widget/trialAccountWasm\");\nconst contract = \"v2.keypom.near\";\n\n// Utility function to convert NEAR to YoctoNEAR (assuming it's not already provided)\n// const parseNearAmount = (nearAmount) => {\n// return new BN(nearAmount).multipliedBy(new BN(\"1000000000000000000000000\")).toString();\n// };\n\nconst parseNearAmount = (nearAmount) => {\n //\n // YoctoNEAR per NEAR (1 NEAR = 10^24 YoctoNEAR)\n console.log(nearAmount);\n const nearToYocto = new Big(\"1000000000000000000000000\");\n console.log(\n nearAmount ? new Big(nearAmount).times(nearToYocto).toFixed() : \"0\"\n );\n return nearAmount ? new Big(nearAmount).times(nearToYocto).toFixed() : \"0\";\n};\n\n// State.init({\n// callableContract: \"\",\n// maxAttachableYoctoPerContract: \"1\",\n// callableMethods: \"*\",\n// startingBalance: \"\",\n// trialEndFloor: \"\",\n// });\n\nconst [callableContract, setCallableContract] = useState(\"\");\n//const [maxAttachableYoctoPerContract, setMaxAttachableYoctoPerContract] = useState(\"1\");\n//const [callableMethods, setCallableMethods] = useState(\"*\");\nconst [startingBalance, setStartingBalance] = useState(\"\");\nconst [trialEndFloor, setTrialEndFloor] = useState(\"\");\n\nconst PARAM_START = \"|kP|\";\nconst PARAM_STOP = \"|kS|\";\n\nconst wrapTxnParamsForTrial = (params) => {\n let newParams = {}; // Initialize newParams inside the function\n Object.entries(params).forEach(([k, v]) => {\n if (k === \"args\" && typeof v !== \"string\") {\n v = JSON.stringify(v);\n }\n if (Array.isArray(v)) v = v.join();\n newParams[PARAM_START + k] = v + PARAM_STOP;\n });\n return newParams;\n};\n\n// // What contracts can the trial account call?\n// const callableContracts = [\n// 'social.near'\n// ]\n// // What is the maximum amount of $NEAR that can be attached to a call for each callable contract?\n// const maxAttachableYoctoPerContract = [\n// '1', //convert this into Yocto\n// ]\n// // What methods can the trial account call?\n// const callableMethods = [\n// ['*'],\n// ]\n\nconst DROP_CONFIG = {\n // How many claims can each key have.\n uses_per_key: 1,\n\n // Should the drop be automatically deleted when all the keys are used? This is defaulted to false and\n // Must be overwritten\n delete_on_empty: true,\n\n // When this drop is deleted and it is the owner's *last* drop, automatically withdraw their balance.\n auto_withdraw: true,\n\n // Minimum block timestamp that keys can be used. If None, keys can be used immediately\n // Measured in number of non-leap-nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC.\n start_timestamp: null,\n\n // How often can a key be used\n // Measured in number of non-leap-nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC.\n throttle_timestamp: null,\n\n // If claim is called, refund the deposit to the owner's balance. If None, default to false.\n on_claim_refund_deposit: null,\n\n // Can the access key only call the claim method_name? Default to both method_name callable\n claim_permission: null,\n\n // Root account that all sub-accounts will default to. If None, default to the global drop root.\n drop_root: null,\n};\n\nconst deployTrialAccount = () => {\n const startingBalanceYocto = parseNearAmount(startingBalance);\n const trialEndFloorYocto = parseNearAmount(trialEndFloor);\n\n const maxAttachableYoctoPerContract = \"1\";\n const callableMethods = \"*\";\n\n //Before you pass callableContract and other two varss to create_drop\n //You need to add the mapping contract there too.\n // callableContracts.push('v1.mapping.keypom.near'); ////testnet: 'v1.mapping.keypom.testnet',\n const attachableForMapping = parseNearAmount(\"0.002\"); // put the equivent yocto amount\n\n // Generate the proper args for setup:\n let actualContracts = callableContract + \",v1.mapping.keypom.near\";\n let actualAmounts =\n maxAttachableYoctoPerContract + \",\" + attachableForMapping;\n let actualMethods = callableMethods + \",\" + \"set\";\n\n //Disclaimer to extend above logic to support Arrays, please refer to original keypom functions.\n\n //Take the storage cost into consideration for the attached deposit and trial end floor\n const storageCost = parseNearAmount(\"0.35\"); //Deposit for contract state, put in yocto\n console.log(\"After storage\");\n // const attachedDeposit = new BN(startingBalanceYocto).add(new BN(storageCost)).toString();\n // trialEndFloorYocto = new BN(attachedDeposit).sub(new BN(trialEndFloorYocto)).toString();\n const attachedDeposit = new Big(startingBalanceYocto)\n .plus(new Big(storageCost))\n .toFixed();\n trialEndFloorYocto = new Big(attachedDeposit)\n .minus(new Big(trialEndFloorYocto))\n .toFixed();\n\n console.log(\"Before storage\");\n\n const repayAmountYocto = \"0\";\n const repayTo = context.accountId;\n\n const fcData = {\n methods: [\n [\n {\n receiver_id: \"near\",\n method_name: \"create_account_advanced\",\n //@ts-ignore\n attached_deposit: attachedDeposit,\n args: JSON.stringify({\n new_account_id: \"INSERT_NEW_ACCOUNT\",\n options: {\n contract_bytes: wasm.contract_bytes,\n limited_access_keys: [\n {\n public_key: \"INSERT_TRIAL_PUBLIC_KEY\",\n allowance: \"0\",\n receiver_id: \"INSERT_NEW_ACCOUNT\",\n method_names: \"execute,create_account_and_claim\",\n },\n ],\n },\n }),\n user_args_rule: \"UserPreferred\",\n },\n {\n receiver_id: \"\",\n method_name: \"setup\",\n attached_deposit: \"0\",\n args: JSON.stringify(\n wrapTxnParamsForTrial({\n contracts: actualContracts,\n amounts: actualAmounts,\n methods: actualMethods,\n funder: repayTo,\n repay: repayAmountYocto,\n floor: trialEndFloorYocto,\n })\n ),\n receiver_to_claimer: true,\n },\n ],\n ],\n };\n\n const drop_id = Date.now().toString();\n\n const createDropArgs = {\n drop_id: drop_id,\n public_keys: [],\n deposit_per_use: \"0\", // I don't know was this zero but we take this input from users\n config: DROP_CONFIG,\n //metadata,//unique identifer, don't need it for now I guess.\n required_gas: \"150000000000000\",\n fc: fcData,\n };\n\n Near.call(\n contract,\n \"create_drop\",\n createDropArgs,\n 100000000000000,\n 550000000000000000000000\n );\n};\n\nreturn (\n <div class=\"p-3\">\n <h3 class=\"text-center\">Trial Accounts powered by Keypom</h3>\n <br />\n {context.accountId ? (\n <div class=\"border border-black p-3\">\n <h3>Configure your trial</h3>\n <div class=\"row\">\n <div>\n <input\n placeholder=\"Starting Balance (NEAR)\"\n onChange={(e) => setStartingBalance(e.target.value)}\n />\n <input\n placeholder=\"Trial End Floor (NEAR)\"\n onChange={(e) => setTrialEndFloor(e.target.value)}\n />\n <input\n placeholder=\"Callable Contract\"\n onChange={(e) => setCallableContract(e.target.value)}\n />\n </div>\n </div>\n <button\n class=\"btn btn-primary mt-2\"\n onClick={async () => {\n deployTrialAccount();\n }}\n >\n Create Trial Account Drop\n </button>\n </div>\n ) : (\n <p class=\"text-center py-2\">Please connect your account</p>\n )}\n <br />\n </div>\n);\n"