Epoch 2284: Contract received total rewards of 529891180411687924480456685 tokens. New total staked balance is 3722619651808286937350671225131. Total number of shares 2986763462480916958876811691801 Total rewards fee is 42514674201962211357069419 stake shares. @ikegwuru.near deposited 10000000000000000000000000. New unstaked balance is 10000000000000000000000000 @ikegwuru.near staking 9999999999999999999999999. Received 8023283982369987750103235 new staking shares. Total 1 unstaked balance and 8023283982369987750103235 staking shares Contract total staked balance is 3722629651808286937350671225131. Total number of shares 2986771485764899328864561795036
The arguments are empty