Epoch 2384: Contract received total rewards of 10523883209780063332210876402 tokens. New total staked balance is 13553889145402265560745509921898. Total number of shares 13553889145402265560745509921898 Total rewards fee is 10523883209780063332210876402 stake shares. @0f29405add88153ea02d67ce2dfdb38543481e18e56f5e1c28d7f9afb69e63d0 unstaking 60000000000000000000. Spent 60000000000000000000 staking shares. Total 60000000000000000000 unstaked balance and 0 staking shares Contract total staked balance is 13553889145342265560745509921898. Total number of shares 13553889145342265560745509921898
The arguments are empty