Epoch 2378: Contract received total rewards of 1946541175816521453418644351 tokens. New total staked balance is 6781126671251531088401990574945. Total number of shares 6538607104877088128508197999513 Total rewards fee is 469231315796253884731277181 stake shares. @b99536a8935776f5d087f59cadb641e5481f8269ba7e03a4e817a302587444d0 unstaking 912255996302786578040472. Spent 879630160011631587341856 staking shares. Total 912255996302786578040473 unstaked balance and 0 staking shares Contract total staked balance is 6781125758995534785615412534474. Total number of shares 6538606225246928116876610657657
The arguments are empty