Epoch 2323: Contract received total rewards of 51785196867256431672597190 tokens. New total staked balance is 443242654506826141750482473104. Total number of shares 376445060903112478602022109649 Total rewards fee is 1319431786879648967119923 stake shares. @4e1961e6af4ac92801e3c392b346e050e7c6d313e176c07cf1ee149509974988 unstaking 3200181800900633475377651. Spent 2717907720955854706661646 staking shares. Total 3200181800900633475377652 unstaked balance and 0 staking shares Contract total staked balance is 443239454325025241117007095454. Total number of shares 376442342995391522747315448003
The arguments are empty