"id": 4,
"body": {
"title": "Marketing DAO",
"handle": "marketing-dao",
"dao_type": "DAO",
"description": "Empowers collaboration between Builders, Influencers, and Founders.Brings awareness and drive the growth of the NEAR Community and Ecosystem.",
"logo_url": "https://ipfs.near.social/ipfs/bafkreiakufnvhu6zmqn6h6mv25eoba7jihtikiumjpplwbnmqlcz5h4enu",
"banner_url": "https://ipfs.near.social/ipfs/bafkreicfyo53etls6ob6hwkkll2w27xulkt33oq5ymt2kbkndnb77nvu2a",
"account_id": "marketing.sputnik-dao.near"
"verticals": [
"metrics": [],
"metadata": {
"contacts": "{\"poc\":[{\"name\":\"Johanga\",\"tg\":\"@johanga_n\"},{\"name\":\"So608\",\"tg\":\"@Spiritof608\"},{\"name\":\"Cryptocredit\",\"tg\":\"@carlfitz\"}],\"tg\":\"https://t.me/ndc_marketing\",\"twitter\":\"https://twitter.com/MarketingDAOers\",\"admin\":\"johanga108.near, so608.near, cryptocredit.near\",\"website\":\"https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=home\"}",
"content": "{\"info\":{\"Vision\":{\"description\":\"MDAO’s vision is aligned with NDC Core Values, as outlined by the CoA for V1.\\n\\nI. Empowering the Ecosystem (for the people, by the people).\\nAttraction of renowned influencers from outside the ecosystem.\\nCollaboration with famous media outlets through PR agencies.\\nSupport for existing ecosystem influencers (NEKO Layer One, NEAR Insider).\\nSupport for ECOsystem founders.\\n\\nII. Respected by the Ecosystem (fair, accountable, transparent, and reliable)\\nComprehensive support for ecosystem projects in marketing, including consultations (mentorship) and strategy development.\\nWorkshops with marketing experts for ECOsystem partners (focused on building marketing strategies, etc.).\\nnot defined\\n\\nIII. Dedicated to the Ideas of Decentralization (antifragile, scalable, with collective decision making)\\nUnification of marketing activities for grassroots recipients in different routes, including consultations and strategy development/mentorship.\\nnot defined\\n\\nIV. Efficient Operation (don’t be a burden, instead help the community to be more efficient)\\nGoal: Fast and efficient payments and resolutions.\\nV. Continuous Improvement via Weekly Iterations (plan ahead, measure results, and adjust continuously)\\nCreation of an NDC dashboard (MDAO part).\"},\"Mission\":{\"description\":\"\\nP-1: Widening Adoption of NEAR\\nP-1.1: Outreach to New Audiences\\nContinuous engagement with diverse audiences serves as a cornerstone for attracting new community members and fostering innovative ideas.\\n\\nCollaboration with Top Influencers: Establishment of partnerships with influential figures to amplify outreach efforts.\\nAMAs and Demonstrations: Conducting engaging AMAs and Near demonstrations tailored for both blockchain and non-blockchain communities.\\nTopics encompass various domains such as Traditional Finance apps exploring exposure to DeFi yield, Traditional software companies aiming to leverage blockchain for enhanced security, AI/ML data provenance, and Social apps with stringent data privacy requirements and potential network effects.\\nIntegration of Congress participation to enhance visibility.\\nEngagement with Top Media Publications: Strategic engagement with prominent media outlets to elevate the visibility of NDC initiatives.\\nReferral Systems: Implementation of robust referral systems in collaboration with ShareDog and other platforms to encourage ecosystem growth.\\nTime-Bound Events: Organizing themed events such as “NEARtober Fest” and “NEAR Advent Calendar” to create time-sensitive engagement opportunities.\\nBounties for Ecosystem Participation: Introduction of bounty programs to incentivize and reward active participation within the ecosystem.\\nThese initiatives collectively contribute to the Marketing DAO and NDC media strategy, fostering community growth and ensuring continuous engagement.\"}},\"guidance\":{\"Become a member\":{\"description\":\"Visit the Marketing DAO BOS page to https://near.org/ndcdev.near/widget/MDAO.App?page=home to:\\n\\n1.Learn more about the Marketing DAO + funding opportunities\\n2.Find Office Hours https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=MDNiOTMyMjJmNGQ4YTIxNmQ3MmZmNmE1MDg5ZjY4NGQ4MWI3Mjg0OGUzMGQ1ZjllOGE4MzdiZTBlYjNjNjdjZUBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t\\n3.Schedule 1:1 meeting with Marketing DAO Council via Calendly https://calendly.com/marketingdao/15min\\n\"}}}"