Current Block Timestamp: 1707123955747606801 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000 Total required storage Yocto 14070000000000000000000 Current balance: 0.2027657, Required Deposit: 0.1953181, total_required_storage: 0.01407, Drop Fee: 0, Key Fee: 0 Total Key Fee: 0, allowance: 0.0202481 total allowance: 0.0202481, access key storage: 0.001 total access key storage: 0.001, deposits less none FCs: 0.16 total deposits: 0.16 lazy registration: false, deposits for FCs: 0 total deposits for FCs: 0, uses per key: 1 None FCs: 0, length: 1 GAS to attach: 100000000000000 New user balance 0.0074476 Fees collected 0
with permission to call (claim, create_account_and_claim) methods