Current Block Timestamp: 1709329425092905106 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000 was_ft_registered: true Total required storage Yocto 12550000000000000000000 Current balance: 25.0407405, Required Deposit: 0.0437981, total_required_storage: 0.01255, Drop Fee: 0, Key Fee: 0 Total Key Fee: 0, allowance: 0.0202481 total allowance: 0.0202481, access key storage: 0.001 total access key storage: 0.001, deposits less none FCs: 0.01 total deposits: 0.01 lazy registration: false, deposits for FCs: 0 total deposits for FCs: 0, uses per key: 1 None FCs: 0, length: 1 GAS to attach: 100000000000000 New user balance 24.9969424 Fees collected 0 Performing CCC to get storage from FT contract
The arguments are empty
User has enough balance to cover FT storage. Subtracting 0.0025 from user balance. User balance is now 24.9944424 21 calls with 105000000000000 attached GAS. Pow outcome: 1.8602935. Required Allowance: 20248156910387200000000 FT contract already registered. Refunding user balance for 0.00125. Balance is now 24.9956924
with permission to call (claim, create_account_and_claim) methods