The arguments are empty
The arguments are empty
Going to query the unstaked balance at the staking pool @epic.poolv1.near
The arguments are empty
Withdrawing 238095238095238095238095240 from the staking pool @epic.poolv1.near
Epoch 2542: Contract received total rewards of 1530748078413263022501568947 tokens. New total staked balance is 10060507295252094124160685212875. Total number of shares 6844194596399343071812917976375 Total rewards fee is 10413727080809406373347928 stake shares. @992148a41ef23968324522420979a89de57685b7.lockup.near withdrawing 238095238095238095238095240. New unstaked balance is 0
The arguments are empty
The withdrawal of 238095238095238095238095240 from @epic.poolv1.near succeeded