handleOperations: 1903892878980 / 300000000000000 triSwap: 1939404758019 / 300000000000000 amount 2305685173604922163199935 sendToAurora: 1994416778301 / 300000000000000 makeSwapperArgs: 41987072097511 / 300000000000000 restGas: 194276638777041 / 300000000000000
Transfer 2305685173604922163199935 from boobs.zudwa.near to aurora Memo:
total_writes_count 3 total_written_bytes 96
call_contract meta-token.near.ft_transfer total_writes_count 11 total_written_bytes 352
Transfer 1130296871241157860992124579 from aurora to boobs.zudwa.near
{ "type": "action", "error": { "type": "functionCallError", "error": { "type": "executionError", "error": "Exceeded the prepaid gas." } } }
_on_fetch_balance_run_rest_operations: 432878638080 / 95690042610872 handleOperations: 507422668302 / 95690042610872 refSwap: 541976765151 / 95690042610872