Deposit 1500000000000000000000000 NEAR to nurayn06-hot.tg Transfer 1500000000000000000000000 from nurayn06-hot.tg to ref.hot.tg
Transfer 1497000000000000000000000 from ref.hot.tg to v2.ref-finance.near
Swapped 1497000000000000000000000 wrap.near for 2232934603741376 aurora Exchange v2.ref-finance.near got 5806612178414840664 shares, Referral owner.herewallet.near got 1451653044603710165 shares
Promise succeeded with result: 2232934603741376
Transfer 2232934603741376 from v2.ref-finance.near to ref.hot.tg Transfer amount 2232934603741376 to ref.hot.tg success with memo: None
Transfer 2232934603741376 from ref.hot.tg to nurayn06-hot.tg Transfer amount 2232934603741376 to nurayn06-hot.tg success with memo: None