Epoch 2721: Contract received total rewards of 57289502452815629738073292 tokens. New total staked balance is 387468250646101382112931578903. Total number of shares 333260569806728404770050211083 Total rewards fee is 492745720443750739358372 stake shares. @osorio.near deposited 158000000000000000000000000. New unstaked balance is 158000000000000000000000001 @osorio.near staking 157999999999999999999999999. Received 135895444185841946126798002 new staking shares. Total 2 unstaked balance and 694881089077719637186114425 staking shares Contract total staked balance is 387626250646101382112931578903. Total number of shares 333396465250914246716177009085
The arguments are empty