
Block #120611952

Gas Used
925 Tgas
Gas Price
0.0001 Ⓝ/Tgas
June 07, 2024 at 4:09:37am


Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for f1bb138a92cab980d5b51ae1f8ccd9bd9ce975eee5a384be3dee9070a82eb436:
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for wetjail2706.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts included in this block

Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'open_box' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: 17208…11e36133a1
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for cf2d0a0b768adf9f4faff90e9c0f4a92015b8e116726c22a1415fbbfb619f3c7:
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to b17f3…3ef0514464
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for dulenaakter.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.002  to 837eb…971be04abd
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for oldlemon7927.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ayk3f…s.kaiching
New key added for ayk3f…s.kaiching: ed25519:4KAB7VR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ayk3f…s.kaiching
New account created: wc8c6…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'update_price_feeds' in contract: pyth-oracle.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: g2v4p…s.kaiching
New key added for g2v4p…s.kaiching: ed25519:HreGya4...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for wc8c6…s.kaiching: ed25519:C92Qrbs...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wc8c6…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to g2v4p…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: uxycb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: eum83…s.kaiching
New key added for eum83…s.kaiching: ed25519:Bzj52FU...

with full access permission

New key added for uxycb…s.kaiching: ed25519:BU55cwR...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to eum83…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to uxycb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: bp9tr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y8hel…s.kaiching
New key added for y8hel…s.kaiching: ed25519:DxBbEZr...

with full access permission

New key added for bp9tr…s.kaiching: ed25519:AnBjGWv...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to y8hel…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to bp9tr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fukef…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: vq8xr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for fukef…s.kaiching: ed25519:2EvHNV7...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for vq8xr…s.kaiching: ed25519:H9hefof...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to fukef…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to vq8xr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xqlb7…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fl8yg…s.kaiching
New key added for fl8yg…s.kaiching: ed25519:B1xWzbF...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for xqlb7…s.kaiching: ed25519:EDDCZSB...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to xqlb7…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to fl8yg…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fc0eo…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wc4ou…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for fc0eo…s.kaiching: ed25519:971Kggu...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for wc4ou…s.kaiching: ed25519:4yVUgNK...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to fc0eo…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to wc4ou…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
New account created: eovb8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wunbb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for eovb8…s.kaiching: ed25519:BNCzjEt...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for wunbb…s.kaiching: ed25519:8fuq7JN...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to eovb8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to wunbb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: difu9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: uk6tr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for difu9…s.kaiching: ed25519:XGzm8RQ...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for uk6tr…s.kaiching: ed25519:DXhZkMe...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to difu9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to uk6tr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: biqml…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: va062…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for biqml…s.kaiching: ed25519:9RH9ayX...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for va062…s.kaiching: ed25519:GbyJkta...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to va062…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to biqml…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zu9pu…s.kaiching
New key added for zu9pu…s.kaiching: ed25519:6tNtcQT...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zu9pu…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z4e0l…s.kaiching
New key added for z4e0l…s.kaiching: ed25519:FWMDK1S...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z4e0l…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v4vgd…s.kaiching
New key added for v4vgd…s.kaiching: ed25519:CUfKnMe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to v4vgd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wdwfm…s.kaiching
New key added for wdwfm…s.kaiching: ed25519:J33T965...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wdwfm…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: yo9s7…s.kaiching
New key added for yo9s7…s.kaiching: ed25519:HCC6Gqz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to yo9s7…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y48zk…s.kaiching
New key added for y48zk…s.kaiching: ed25519:9pYPmDE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y48zk…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z3l8o…s.kaiching
New key added for z3l8o…s.kaiching: ed25519:5aHMtix...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z3l8o…s.kaiching
New account created: jrv86…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v44tr…s.kaiching
New key added for v44tr…s.kaiching: ed25519:Di6f6gw...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for jrv86…s.kaiching: ed25519:FmS2UzZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jrv86…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to v44tr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hpg2i…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ui9aa…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for hpg2i…s.kaiching: ed25519:CZz4ae6...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ui9aa…s.kaiching: ed25519:G46EmFk...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ui9aa…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to hpg2i…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kglo5…s.kaiching
New key added for kglo5…s.kaiching: ed25519:E1Xapbd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kglo5…s.kaiching
Called method: 'earn_sprk' in contract: embr.…serve.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hpmg8…s.kaiching
New key added for hpmg8…s.kaiching: ed25519:4VZGFxv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hpmg8…s.kaiching
Called method: 'earn_sprk' in contract: embr.…serve.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hgde7…s.kaiching
New key added for hgde7…s.kaiching: ed25519:2EQq6Ki...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hgde7…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ji93h…s.kaiching
New key added for ji93h…s.kaiching: ed25519:4RCtEVi...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ji93h…s.kaiching
New account created: i15tq…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for i15tq…s.kaiching: ed25519:D14GNWQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i15tq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jswr9…s.kaiching
New key added for jswr9…s.kaiching: ed25519:bL8sRRr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jswr9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i6g0e…s.kaiching
New key added for i6g0e…s.kaiching: ed25519:3nWzJga...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i6g0e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i0sky…s.kaiching
New key added for i0sky…s.kaiching: ed25519:DwkKxV8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i0sky…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i9ev2…s.kaiching
New key added for i9ev2…s.kaiching: ed25519:BDVspEn...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i9ev2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hacop…s.kaiching
New key added for hacop…s.kaiching: ed25519:AwMNzwA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hacop…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jvbh2…s.kaiching
New key added for jvbh2…s.kaiching: ed25519:BUnGwnr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jvbh2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jjxup…s.kaiching
New key added for jjxup…s.kaiching: ed25519:2uTsXxe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jjxup…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5lhgx…s.kaiching
New key added for 5lhgx…s.kaiching: ed25519:CxCPxka...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5lhgx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a5qug…s.kaiching
New key added for a5qug…s.kaiching: ed25519:4vgQwj8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a5qug…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 12q13…s.kaiching
New key added for 12q13…s.kaiching: ed25519:2J9TiZu...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 12q13…s.kaiching
New account created: 7jiqi…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7jiqi…s.kaiching: ed25519:9D2S47X...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7jiqi…s.kaiching
New account created: 1k1wy…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 1k1wy…s.kaiching: ed25519:DskqJiA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1k1wy…s.kaiching
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 90ztj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 90ztj…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Xwzbnm...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 90ztj…s.kaiching
New account created: 57co2…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 57co2…s.kaiching: ed25519:GMQ3i9M...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 57co2…s.kaiching
New account created: a3knj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for a3knj…s.kaiching: ed25519:8juLsds...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a3knj…s.kaiching
New account created: m7q7k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a05cb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for m7q7k…s.kaiching: ed25519:2gxGYSp...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for a05cb…s.kaiching: ed25519:FEE6VTR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a05cb…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to m7q7k…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9xjpp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: sf6t3…s.kaiching
New key added for sf6t3…s.kaiching: ed25519:3yrFSWw...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 9xjpp…s.kaiching: ed25519:DpbNdGz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9xjpp…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to sf6t3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: s25mz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 11muy…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for s25mz…s.kaiching: ed25519:2EtNj6n...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 11muy…s.kaiching: ed25519:EtmJEvK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 11muy…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to s25mz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: okln8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6cdlv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for okln8…s.kaiching: ed25519:5gr7TLB...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 6cdlv…s.kaiching: ed25519:GEkzjyy...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to okln8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 6cdlv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: lqx22…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aikpu…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for lqx22…s.kaiching: ed25519:98jAU1h...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for aikpu…s.kaiching: ed25519:5NGEuAZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to aikpu…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to lqx22…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3f6li…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: py8s3…s.kaiching
New key added for py8s3…s.kaiching: ed25519:42bPEau...

with full access permission

New key added for 3f6li…s.kaiching: ed25519:DEfsDJL...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to py8s3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 3f6li…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6howp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qohkk…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 6howp…s.kaiching: ed25519:EY3BG7e...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for qohkk…s.kaiching: ed25519:GbSh1wi...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 6howp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to qohkk…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mndl8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 2xoir…s.kaiching
New key added for 2xoir…s.kaiching: ed25519:GzU5Dr4...

with full access permission

New key added for mndl8…s.kaiching: ed25519:DUjbVe4...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 2xoir…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to mndl8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qv0y9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6rbnv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for qv0y9…s.kaiching: ed25519:BXxAqG6...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 6rbnv…s.kaiching: ed25519:B2QGzKJ...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to qv0y9…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 6rbnv…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mew77…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 537pj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for mew77…s.kaiching: ed25519:7nhdZEq...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 537pj…s.kaiching: ed25519:7QWHv37...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to mew77…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 537pj…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7xngo…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rvvr4…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 7xngo…s.kaiching: ed25519:HAxZtLK...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for rvvr4…s.kaiching: ed25519:EQgL7Yg...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 7xngo…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to rvvr4…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1x7r4…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ooe0r…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 1x7r4…s.kaiching: ed25519:65rpQob...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ooe0r…s.kaiching: ed25519:E2Fhv7T...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ooe0r…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 1x7r4…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1a9mp…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: q8wug…s.kaiching
New key added for q8wug…s.kaiching: ed25519:9Zfn1C9...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 1a9mp…s.kaiching: ed25519:AYJSVZB...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1a9mp…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to q8wug…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qbb56…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3wv6p…s.kaiching
New key added for 3wv6p…s.kaiching: ed25519:HHqYFkY...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for qbb56…s.kaiching: ed25519:CeXFmmL...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qbb56…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 3wv6p…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ribwb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9vmh8…s.kaiching
New key added for 9vmh8…s.kaiching: ed25519:26Qgccj...

with full access permission

New key added for ribwb…s.kaiching: ed25519:ExJsDQV...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 9vmh8…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to ribwb…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kmylr…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3a0e0…s.kaiching
New key added for 3a0e0…s.kaiching: ed25519:2eLUC8S...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for kmylr…s.kaiching: ed25519:GQpSng3...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kmylr…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 3a0e0…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 8g08r…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qr85d…s.kaiching
New key added for qr85d…s.kaiching: ed25519:TjfEzes...

with full access permission

New key added for 8g08r…s.kaiching: ed25519:5u8vW4L...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to qr85d…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 8g08r…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: sbful…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1fysx…s.kaiching
New key added for 1fysx…s.kaiching: ed25519:HKcYkK6...

with full access permission

New key added for sbful…s.kaiching: ed25519:GbShMWQ...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to 1fysx…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to sbful…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rxd1t…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0adlz…s.kaiching
New key added for 0adlz…s.kaiching: ed25519:GLYhSXh...

with full access permission

Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for rxd1t…s.kaiching: ed25519:AoHypvk...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rxd1t…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to 0adlz…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ldca3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1stsl…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for ldca3…s.kaiching: ed25519:E82jXUt...

with full access permission

Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New key added for 1stsl…s.kaiching: ed25519:AW5yuUc...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1stsl…s.kaiching
Transferred 0.01  to ldca3…s.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rkxy3…s.kaiching
New key added for rkxy3…s.kaiching: ed25519:BK8QJ9Y...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rkxy3…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00001  to 07a19…ec9eec5289
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago

Receipts executed in this block

Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: 17208…11e36133a1
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.002  to 837eb…971be04abd
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 5lhgx…s.kaiching
New key added for 5lhgx…s.kaiching: ed25519:CxCPxka...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 5lhgx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a5qug…s.kaiching
New key added for a5qug…s.kaiching: ed25519:4vgQwj8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a5qug…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 12q13…s.kaiching
New key added for 12q13…s.kaiching: ed25519:2J9TiZu...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 12q13…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7jiqi…s.kaiching
New key added for 7jiqi…s.kaiching: ed25519:9D2S47X...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7jiqi…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1k1wy…s.kaiching
New key added for 1k1wy…s.kaiching: ed25519:DskqJiA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1k1wy…s.kaiching
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 90ztj…s.kaiching
New key added for 90ztj…s.kaiching: ed25519:8Xwzbnm...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 90ztj…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 57co2…s.kaiching
New key added for 57co2…s.kaiching: ed25519:GMQ3i9M...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 57co2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a3knj…s.kaiching
New key added for a3knj…s.kaiching: ed25519:8juLsds...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a3knj…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: a05cb…s.kaiching
New key added for a05cb…s.kaiching: ed25519:FEE6VTR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to a05cb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9xjpp…s.kaiching
New key added for 9xjpp…s.kaiching: ed25519:DpbNdGz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9xjpp…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 11muy…s.kaiching
New key added for 11muy…s.kaiching: ed25519:EtmJEvK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 11muy…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6cdlv…s.kaiching
New key added for 6cdlv…s.kaiching: ed25519:GEkzjyy...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 6cdlv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: aikpu…s.kaiching
New key added for aikpu…s.kaiching: ed25519:5NGEuAZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to aikpu…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3f6li…s.kaiching
New key added for 3f6li…s.kaiching: ed25519:DEfsDJL...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3f6li…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6howp…s.kaiching
New key added for 6howp…s.kaiching: ed25519:EY3BG7e...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 6howp…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 2xoir…s.kaiching
New key added for 2xoir…s.kaiching: ed25519:GzU5Dr4...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 2xoir…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 6rbnv…s.kaiching
New key added for 6rbnv…s.kaiching: ed25519:B2QGzKJ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 6rbnv…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 537pj…s.kaiching
New key added for 537pj…s.kaiching: ed25519:7QWHv37...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 537pj…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 7xngo…s.kaiching
New key added for 7xngo…s.kaiching: ed25519:HAxZtLK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 7xngo…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1x7r4…s.kaiching
New key added for 1x7r4…s.kaiching: ed25519:65rpQob...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1x7r4…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1a9mp…s.kaiching
New key added for 1a9mp…s.kaiching: ed25519:AYJSVZB...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1a9mp…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3wv6p…s.kaiching
New key added for 3wv6p…s.kaiching: ed25519:HHqYFkY...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3wv6p…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 9vmh8…s.kaiching
New key added for 9vmh8…s.kaiching: ed25519:26Qgccj...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 9vmh8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 3a0e0…s.kaiching
New key added for 3a0e0…s.kaiching: ed25519:2eLUC8S...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 3a0e0…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 8g08r…s.kaiching
New key added for 8g08r…s.kaiching: ed25519:5u8vW4L...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 8g08r…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1fysx…s.kaiching
New key added for 1fysx…s.kaiching: ed25519:HKcYkK6...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1fysx…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 0adlz…s.kaiching
New key added for 0adlz…s.kaiching: ed25519:GLYhSXh...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 0adlz…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: 1stsl…s.kaiching
New key added for 1stsl…s.kaiching: ed25519:AW5yuUc...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to 1stsl…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.00001  to 07a19…ec9eec5289
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for cf2d0a0b768adf9f4faff90e9c0f4a92015b8e116726c22a1415fbbfb619f3c7:
Called method: 'claim' in contract: claim.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Transferred 0.01  to b17f3…3ef0514464
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for dulenaakter.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ayk3f…s.kaiching
New key added for ayk3f…s.kaiching: ed25519:4KAB7VR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ayk3f…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: g2v4p…s.kaiching
New key added for g2v4p…s.kaiching: ed25519:HreGya4...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to g2v4p…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: eum83…s.kaiching
New key added for eum83…s.kaiching: ed25519:Bzj52FU...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to eum83…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: bp9tr…s.kaiching
New key added for bp9tr…s.kaiching: ed25519:AnBjGWv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to bp9tr…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fukef…s.kaiching
New key added for fukef…s.kaiching: ed25519:2EvHNV7...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fukef…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fl8yg…s.kaiching
New key added for fl8yg…s.kaiching: ed25519:B1xWzbF...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fl8yg…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: fc0eo…s.kaiching
New key added for fc0eo…s.kaiching: ed25519:971Kggu...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to fc0eo…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: eovb8…s.kaiching
New key added for eovb8…s.kaiching: ed25519:BNCzjEt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to eovb8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: difu9…s.kaiching
New key added for difu9…s.kaiching: ed25519:XGzm8RQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to difu9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: biqml…s.kaiching
New key added for biqml…s.kaiching: ed25519:9RH9ayX...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to biqml…s.kaiching
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: contract.main.burrow.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'after_ft_transfer' in contract: earn.kaiching
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'earn_sprk' in contract: embr.…serve.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'earn_sprk' in contract: embr.…serve.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'buy_asset' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'mint_bounty' in contract:
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jrv86…s.kaiching
New key added for jrv86…s.kaiching: ed25519:FmS2UzZ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jrv86…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hpg2i…s.kaiching
New key added for hpg2i…s.kaiching: ed25519:CZz4ae6...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hpg2i…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kglo5…s.kaiching
New key added for kglo5…s.kaiching: ed25519:E1Xapbd...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kglo5…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hpmg8…s.kaiching
New key added for hpmg8…s.kaiching: ed25519:4VZGFxv...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hpmg8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hgde7…s.kaiching
New key added for hgde7…s.kaiching: ed25519:2EQq6Ki...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hgde7…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ji93h…s.kaiching
New key added for ji93h…s.kaiching: ed25519:4RCtEVi...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ji93h…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i15tq…s.kaiching
New key added for i15tq…s.kaiching: ed25519:D14GNWQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i15tq…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jswr9…s.kaiching
New key added for jswr9…s.kaiching: ed25519:bL8sRRr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jswr9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i6g0e…s.kaiching
New key added for i6g0e…s.kaiching: ed25519:3nWzJga...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i6g0e…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i0sky…s.kaiching
New key added for i0sky…s.kaiching: ed25519:DwkKxV8...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i0sky…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: i9ev2…s.kaiching
New key added for i9ev2…s.kaiching: ed25519:BDVspEn...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to i9ev2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: hacop…s.kaiching
New key added for hacop…s.kaiching: ed25519:AwMNzwA...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to hacop…s.kaiching
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jvbh2…s.kaiching
New key added for jvbh2…s.kaiching: ed25519:BUnGwnr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jvbh2…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: jjxup…s.kaiching
New key added for jjxup…s.kaiching: ed25519:2uTsXxe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to jjxup…s.kaiching
Called method: 'after_claim' in contract: jars.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'open_box' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for oldlemon7927.near:
Called method: 'harvest' in contract: aa-harvest-moon.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'update_price_feeds' in contract: pyth-oracle.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: m7q7k…s.kaiching
New key added for m7q7k…s.kaiching: ed25519:2gxGYSp...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to m7q7k…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: sf6t3…s.kaiching
New key added for sf6t3…s.kaiching: ed25519:3yrFSWw...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to sf6t3…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: s25mz…s.kaiching
New key added for s25mz…s.kaiching: ed25519:2EtNj6n...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to s25mz…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: okln8…s.kaiching
New key added for okln8…s.kaiching: ed25519:5gr7TLB...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to okln8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: lqx22…s.kaiching
New key added for lqx22…s.kaiching: ed25519:98jAU1h...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to lqx22…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: py8s3…s.kaiching
New key added for py8s3…s.kaiching: ed25519:42bPEau...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to py8s3…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qohkk…s.kaiching
New key added for qohkk…s.kaiching: ed25519:GbSh1wi...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qohkk…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mndl8…s.kaiching
New key added for mndl8…s.kaiching: ed25519:DUjbVe4...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to mndl8…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qv0y9…s.kaiching
New key added for qv0y9…s.kaiching: ed25519:BXxAqG6...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qv0y9…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: mew77…s.kaiching
New key added for mew77…s.kaiching: ed25519:7nhdZEq...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to mew77…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rvvr4…s.kaiching
New key added for rvvr4…s.kaiching: ed25519:EQgL7Yg...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rvvr4…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ooe0r…s.kaiching
New key added for ooe0r…s.kaiching: ed25519:E2Fhv7T...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ooe0r…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: q8wug…s.kaiching
New key added for q8wug…s.kaiching: ed25519:9Zfn1C9...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to q8wug…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qbb56…s.kaiching
New key added for qbb56…s.kaiching: ed25519:CeXFmmL...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qbb56…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ribwb…s.kaiching
New key added for ribwb…s.kaiching: ed25519:ExJsDQV...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ribwb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: kmylr…s.kaiching
New key added for kmylr…s.kaiching: ed25519:GQpSng3...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to kmylr…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: qr85d…s.kaiching
New key added for qr85d…s.kaiching: ed25519:TjfEzes...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to qr85d…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: sbful…s.kaiching
New key added for sbful…s.kaiching: ed25519:GbShMWQ...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to sbful…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rxd1t…s.kaiching
New key added for rxd1t…s.kaiching: ed25519:AoHypvk...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rxd1t…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ldca3…s.kaiching
New key added for ldca3…s.kaiching: ed25519:E82jXUt...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ldca3…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: rkxy3…s.kaiching
New key added for rkxy3…s.kaiching: ed25519:BK8QJ9Y...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to rkxy3…s.kaiching
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'signin' in contract: signi…unity.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'nft_resolve_transfer' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer_call' in contract: token.sweat
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'storage_deposit' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wc8c6…s.kaiching
New key added for wc8c6…s.kaiching: ed25519:C92Qrbs...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wc8c6…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: uxycb…s.kaiching
New key added for uxycb…s.kaiching: ed25519:BU55cwR...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to uxycb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y8hel…s.kaiching
New key added for y8hel…s.kaiching: ed25519:DxBbEZr...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y8hel…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: vq8xr…s.kaiching
New key added for vq8xr…s.kaiching: ed25519:H9hefof...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to vq8xr…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: xqlb7…s.kaiching
New key added for xqlb7…s.kaiching: ed25519:EDDCZSB...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to xqlb7…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wc4ou…s.kaiching
New key added for wc4ou…s.kaiching: ed25519:4yVUgNK...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wc4ou…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wunbb…s.kaiching
New key added for wunbb…s.kaiching: ed25519:8fuq7JN...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wunbb…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: uk6tr…s.kaiching
New key added for uk6tr…s.kaiching: ed25519:DXhZkMe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to uk6tr…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: va062…s.kaiching
New key added for va062…s.kaiching: ed25519:GbyJkta...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to va062…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: zu9pu…s.kaiching
New key added for zu9pu…s.kaiching: ed25519:6tNtcQT...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to zu9pu…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z4e0l…s.kaiching
New key added for z4e0l…s.kaiching: ed25519:FWMDK1S...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z4e0l…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v4vgd…s.kaiching
New key added for v4vgd…s.kaiching: ed25519:CUfKnMe...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to v4vgd…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: wdwfm…s.kaiching
New key added for wdwfm…s.kaiching: ed25519:J33T965...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to wdwfm…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: yo9s7…s.kaiching
New key added for yo9s7…s.kaiching: ed25519:HCC6Gqz...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to yo9s7…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: y48zk…s.kaiching
New key added for y48zk…s.kaiching: ed25519:9pYPmDE...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to y48zk…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: z3l8o…s.kaiching
New key added for z3l8o…s.kaiching: ed25519:5aHMtix...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to z3l8o…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: v44tr…s.kaiching
New key added for v44tr…s.kaiching: ed25519:Di6f6gw...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to v44tr…s.kaiching
Batch Receipt
Succeeded 1 month ago
New account created: ui9aa…s.kaiching
New key added for ui9aa…s.kaiching: ed25519:G46EmFk...

with full access permission

Transferred 0.01  to ui9aa…s.kaiching
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_resolve_transfer' in contract: wrap.near
Succeeded 1 month ago
Called method: 'ft_transfer' in contract: token.sweat
Succeeded 1 month ago
Actions delegated for
Called method: 'l2_claim' in contract:
Succeeded 1 month ago